Sep 19Liked by Jenks Farmer

Once again you put my feelings into words. I have had a crew of “immigrants” working in my backyard for a couple of projects and I am grateful for the work they did and the respect they gave me and my property. My experience with immigrants has always been positive. The hate mongering hurts my heart.

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Sep 19Liked by Jenks Farmer

W/right on, Jenks! We are a country built on immigrants and it takes ALL of us to make it work for all of us. Enough of the hate. Thank you for planting seeds of love.

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Sep 19Liked by Jenks Farmer

Thank you, Jenks ... you use words so well. I've just read portions of your essay to people at the breakfast table (including a guest from NC). The images of strong, dark hands touching our lives will stay with us.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Jenks Farmer

I too, am less tolerant of xenophobic Christians and find a Ribbon Fern to be better company. Please world, just pass me by and I'll stick to the potting shed!

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23 hrs agoLiked by Jenks Farmer

I am grateful for your voice, Jenks. Thank you. ❤️

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Sep 19Liked by Jenks Farmer

Thank you for sharing this.

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Sep 19Liked by Jenks Farmer

Thank you for standing up for our immigrants. Our country would have a hard time without their hard work. Love the dog video!

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My Dad trained our dog, Kate, to stay out of the garden but he would reward her by lobbing tomatoes to her which she would catch in the air and gobble down.

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Thank you for having the character to speak up for immigrants. At every opportunity I have, I remind people where I live here in Mississippi that while a group of white guys are standing around their pickups talking, there is a crew of immigrants doing the actual work on the roads we drive on. When people speak ill of immigrants, I remind them that all the fruits and vegetables we find in the grocery were likely picked by immigrants. I don't know any other people who will work until midnight or all night long painting or working on the inside of a house than the immigrants who come to our area. I like to remind people in these conversations that our ancestors were immigrants, many of whom stole their lands from the original inhabitants....so don't tell me, "Yes, but our ancestors came here legally." If it were not for immigrants, our lives would be far poorer than they are now. Think of the richness in the varieties of food and restaurants we experience in this country because of more recent immigrants. Our country is richer because of immigrants, and I'm ashamed of the people who go into law enforcement to harass immigrants and steal their cash when they stop them in their old cars on the highway. How many enormous pickups and SUVs do you see stopped by police compared to those beat up old cars that immigrants have to drive to get to their work? How does a person live with himself when he treats other human beings that way?

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